Innerlife STS for Training Clinics
Health care professional programs can be extraordinarily expensive for students. So, training clinics are always in need of cost-effective tools to train the next generation of health care professionals. Innerlife STS addresses this problem by offering an easy and cost-effective system that professors and graduate programs can use to inexpensively and automatically teach students about mental health assessment and patient patient personality evaluation. This can dramatically reduce the amount of resources needed to train a cohort of students studying to be the next generation of health care professionals. This is a big contribution to both the people who will work in the health care field and and to human health in general.
What does the Innerlife STS System deliver for Training Clinics?
The Innerlife STS System:
- Provides a hands-on, real-world tool for students to learn an important aspect of their chosen health care profession.
- Dramatically reduce the cost of teaching the next generation of health care professionals
- Enables professors and universities to more effectively prepare their students for the health care world without making a substantial financial investment.
Patients can take all of their assessments using the Innerlife STS cloud mobile platform. They can either use the STS Patient Client mobile app for iPhone and iPad, or they can use the web-based patient app on Either app works for both the initial (intake) assessment and for follow-up assessments and the two apps can be used interchangeably throughout the course of treatment. The Innerlife STS System automatically tracks the patient's progress in all primary symptom areas and in all secondary symptom measures for which the patient tested at clinically significant levels upon their first assessment.
Patients can download the STS Patient Client Mobile App
for iPhone and iPad by searching "STS Patient Client" in the
Apple App Store.