Innerlife STS for Health Care Research Programs
Health Care Research professionals and programs need convincing and persuasive data on human subjects in order to arrive at and support their research conclusions. In addition, academic journals normally require a preponderance of compelling data in order for a body of health care research to be publishable. But, collecting what normally seems like a mountain of data can be highly labor intensive and, therefore, highly expensive.
Innerlife STS addresses this problem by offering an easy and cost-effective system that health care research professionals and programs can use to inexpensively and automatically gather data on human subjects over any period of time. This can dramatically reduce the number of people and amount of money needed to produce a a body of health care research that is worthy of publishing. In addition, it enables researchers to gather many dimensions of data which might uncover research stunning research conclusions that may never have been imagined. Innerlife STS is a productivity tool for health care research that holds the potential to revolutionize health care research and to speed the pace of scientific discovery through research into human health. This is a big contribution to both health care research and to humanity in general.
What does the Innerlife STS System deliver for Health Care Research Professionals and Programs?
The Innerlife STS System:
- Automatically, instantaneously, and inexpensively collects research data on human subjects.
- Dramatically reduce the number of people and amount of money needed to produce a a body of health care research that is worthy of publishing
- Enables researchers to gather many dimensions of data which might uncover research stunning research conclusions that may never have been imagined..
Patients can take all of their assessments using the Innerlife STS cloud mobile platform. They can either use the STS Patient Client mobile app for iPhone and iPad, or they can use the web-based patient app on Either app works for both the initial (intake) assessment and for follow-up assessments and the two apps can be used interchangeably throughout the course of treatment. The Innerlife STS System automatically tracks the patient's progress in all primary symptom areas and in all secondary symptom measures for which the patient tested at clinically significant levels upon their first assessment.
Patients can download the STS Patient Client Mobile App
for iPhone and iPad by searching "STS Patient Client" in the
Apple App Store.